
A 4 kg gelato pan.

time to prepare
45 minutes

Apple Crumble

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Apple Crumble: the most traditional of English cakes becomes a biscuit ice cream enriched with Apple and Cinnamon Ripple.


  1. weigh 50 g of Apple and Cinnamon Rippling Sauce per kg of mix
  2. weigh 40 g of Biscuit Paste per kg of mix
  3. mix it
  4. freeze it
  5. add some Apple and Cinnamon Rippling Sauce
  6. flatten the surface
  7. create a layer with Classic Crumble
  8. place the remaining gelato in the pan and finish rippling
  9. flatten the surface
  10. blast chiller (10 min)
  11. spred a layer of Apple and Cinnamon Rippling Sauce
  12. blast chiller (5 min)
  13. complete with a layer of Classic Crumble


  • Apple and Cinnamon Rippling Sauce
  • Biscuit Paste
  • Classic Crumble (with Butter)
  • decoration

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